Oh my, is that a pink elephant I just saw?

Yep,  I’ve been seeing pink elephants and no it’s not due to a little too much to drink.  Although sometimes I could use a good stiff drink. Lol

I was recently asked to bake a cake for a Grandmother shower. I was given free range as to what the cake should be made to look like.  With this in mind, I took the invitation and decided to stay with that theme.  An elephant holding a little umbrella.  Little pink elephant to be exact.  It was my pleasure to do this particular cake since it was for my mom-in-law; whom I think the world of.  Her friends wanted to celebrate her newest adventure into grandparenthood.   Now this isn’t her first grandchild; she has two others, but it was the first time her friends gathered to meet her grandchildren.  I think everyone had a great time and it appeared that the cake was well like too; since very little of it came back home with me.  Which is always my goal.

So for those interested in just how did I make an elephant cake, here are a few snapshots…

elephant parts

elephant parts

To make the elephant parts; I baked a small round cake, made a templet from paper and cut them out with a serrated knife.  It is easier to use paper to get the size right first, trust me on this one.

test run of fitting parts

test run of fitting parts

Then I placed all my parts on parchment paper so I could easily move them to make sure the fit was good and the sizes were right.  By the way, the feet were from the cutouts to make the umbrella.  Waste not, want not, ya know.

Completed elephant with umbrella

Completed elephant with umbrella

Frost the big round cake, aka elephant body, first so the parts will stay put then frost everything else.  I used two different shades of pink so the ear would stand out and give it a little more depth.

And there’s my first little pink elephant!

Here are a few of the other cakes I’ve made…

Tea cup cakes

Tea cup cakes

These were made to look like little tea cups for a baby shower tea party.

I will try to post some others a little later… my photos have gone MIA.

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